BSD business meets social development - nachhaltiges Management, SA8000, AA 1000, GRI, sustainability management, soziale Unternehmensführung, Global reporting initiative, Nachhaltigkeitsbericht, BSD Schweiz

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 Corporate Responsibility Practitioners Network

The Corporate Responsibility Practitioners Network offers the unique opportunity for its users to share their experiences and work together in projects to strengthen socially responsible management in the business world.

In co-operation with Fundação Dom Cabral and Pact Brazil and support of Instituto Ethos, BSD is searching for sponsorship for the network project to be launched in 2003. It will assure the continuation of the successful project, Brazilian Contribution to the AA1000S Series.

Using an Internet platform as a basis, the network brings together professionals from Brazilian companies and organisations, applying or interested in management of Corporate Responsibility. The network can become a powerful tool for professionals to exchange information and network in the area of corporate responsibility management.

In its first year the network will focus on the specialised modules of the AA1000S series to be launched in 2003.

From 2004 on the network will continue to contribute to the dissemination and development of Corporate Responsibility management practices in Brazil.

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