BSD business meets social development - BSD Schweiz, Nachhaltigkeitsbericht, Sustainable supply chain management, AA1000, nachhaltige Beschaffung, nachhaltiges Management, AA 1000, GRI, sustainability management

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Fabiana Ikeda de Oliveira
Consultant BSD Brazil

Fabiana Ikeda de Oliveira has a degree in Business Administration of the EAESP/FGV Business School São Paulo, Brazil. She is a SA8000 Auditor trained by SAI – Social Accountability International.

She has experience in organizational ethics, third sector and fair trade. In 2001, Fabiana Ikeda de Oliveira was a counsellor for the revision of the GRI Guidelines. She is member of the Jury of the Prêmio Ethos-Valor since 2003.

She is a Corporate Social Responsibility and Fair Trade consultant working in BSD since 1999. She also works as inspector of FLO-Cert (Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International Certification Body) within Brazil since 2003.

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